The Silent Burden of Anemia among the Rural Adolescent Girls: A Community Based Study in Maharashtra
Adolescent, Anemia, Nutrition, Menstruation, GirlAbstract
Introduction: Adolescent girls constitute a more vulnerable group particularly in developing countries where they are traditionally married at an early age and exposed to the risk of reproductive morbidity and mortality. So, the present study was planned to find out prevalence of anemia and associated epidemiological factors in relation to anemia among rural adolescent girls.
Material and method: It is a community‑ based cross‑ sectional, descriptive observational study was conducted in the rural field practice areas of tertiary rural hospital. All the villages coming under field practice area of tertiary rural hospital were included in the study. A pre‑designed and pre‑tested questionnaire was used for data collection.
Results: Mean age of adolescent girls was 13.77± 2.42. Among the 480 adolescent girls covered in the study 72.5% were found to be anemic. Prevalence of mild and moderate anemia among adolescent girls was 34.19% and 65.81% respectively. Study found significant association of anemia with socioeconomic status , type of family, father’s occupation, father’s education, mothers education and mothers occupation.
Conclusion: The prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls was high and associated with socioeconomic status, type of family, father’s occupation, mothers education.
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