Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Study for Sexuality in Adolescent Age Group in Various Schools of a Metropolitan City of Central India
Adolescent, Sexuality, Knowledge, Attitude, PracticesAbstract
Background: Adolescent even though constituted a sizeable population, their health needs are not properly met with their life style and behavior in a way affects the health of future adults. The research was conducted to study the knowledge attitude and practice for menstruation and sexuality in Adolescents.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted with the help of Pre-designed, Pre-tested, Semi-structured questionnaire for Adolescent boys and girls during the period between 01 Jan 2016 to 31 Dec 2016. Simple random sampling for selection of school and Adolescent boys and girls was adopted for study. A total of 1492 (970 boys and 522 girls) is study population.
Results: In study 40.41% boys and 35.36% girls have Major concerns about their body image. Majority boy’s do not know correct duration of menses (p<0.001). About the social restrictions majority of girls 65% says it is wrong whereas 36.3% boys say so (p<0.001). Girls are more aware about the concept of relation of menstruation with fertility than the boys (p < 0.001). In The study mean age of menarche is 13.01 years.
Conclusions: Majority have concern about body image. In comparison to boys, girls’ knowledge about menses and fertility is more and they also say that social restrictions are wrong.
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