A cross sectional study on domestic violence following alcohol consumption against women residing in rural area of Tamil Nadu
Domestic violence, cycle of abuseAbstract
Introduction: Domestic violence is the wilful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and or other abusive behaviour as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. From previous studies alcohol is most important cause for domestic violence among intimate partner. Women experiences domestic violence related to alcoholism in her lifetime not only because of intimate partners but also from their close family members.
Objectives: To identify the prevalence of various forms of domestic violence among women living in rural areas of Tamil Nadu.
Methodology: A cross sectional study was done in rural field practice area of Kanchipuram district of Tamil Nadu.
It was completed in duration of 4 months. Multistage sampling method was used for selection of study population and WHO standardized questionnaire was used.
Results: The prevalence of various forms of domestic violence against women related to alcoholism was reported as 6.9% physical abuse, 13.9% mental abuse and 15.8% both physical and mental abuse.
Conclusion: Alcohol not only affects the abuser but also leaves behind an irreplaceable loss to his family members. It is an agent which causes unintentional injuries which can be preventable by initiating an appropriate health awareness program in the community.
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