Intimate Partner Violence and Risk Factors Associated with it amongst Married Women in Belagavi: A Cross-sectional Study


  • K Kruthika JNMC, Belagavi
  • Sulakshana S Baliga JNMC, Belagavi
  • Nilesh N Jadhav JNMC, Belagavi


Intimate partner violence, urban area, married women, sexual violence, physical violence


Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been emerged as an important social problem in India. Considerable number of women experience violence in their lifetime resulting in long and short-term physical and psychological trauma for many. Screening at early stages of violence can prevent many mortality and morbidity among IPV sufferers.

Objective: To study the prevalence and potential risk factors of Intimate partner violence among married women in an urban area.

Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted from November 2015 to June 2016 amongst 214 married women attending the outpatient department of three urban health centres by interviewing them using WHO multi-country study questionnaire.

Results: The Overall prevalence of Intimate partner violence was 39.25% of which 39.2% of women experienced physical violence, 14% of women had experienced Sexual violence and 19.1% of the women had experienced controlling behaviour by their partners.


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How to Cite

Kruthika K, Baliga SS, Jadhav NN. Intimate Partner Violence and Risk Factors Associated with it amongst Married Women in Belagavi: A Cross-sectional Study. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2017 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];8(01):22-5. Available from:



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