Prevalence and Predictors of Poor Iodine Nutrition in Rural South Odisha: A Comparative Study between Coastal and Hilly Districts


  • Jaya Singh Kshatri MKCG Medical College and Hospital, Brahmapur, Odisha
  • Nivedita Karmee MKCG Medical College and Hospital, Brahmapur, Odisha
  • Radha M Tripathy MKCG Medical College and Hospital, Brahmapur, Odisha


Iron deficiency, Nutrition, prevalence, Costal, Anemia


Introduction: Apart from iodine content of the salt consumed, the prevalence of IDDs are influenced by factors like storage of salt, environmental factors, overall nutritional status and socio-economic status. Objectives: The objectives f the study were to estimate the prevalence of iodine deficiency in coastal and hilly villages of south Odisha; and to analyse the predictors for poor iodine nutrition status in the community.

Methodology: This was a cross sectional study in south Odisha. UIE and household salt iodine content was estimated and logistic regression model was applied to determine predictors of poor iodine nutrition.

Results: The median UIE in coastal district was found to be 126.4 mcg/L, whereas it was 73.0 mcg/L in the hilly areas. The household salt iodine level of more than 15 ppm was found in only 62% households. Nearly 50% households did not store their salt in airtight containers. The results of logistic regression revealed that hilly region (OR=10.2), household salt iodine content (OR=2.3), storage of salt in non air tight containers (OR=3.7) and stunting (9.8) were the main determinants of poor iodine nutrition.

Conclusion: Poor iodine nutrition was significantly associated with region, household salt iodine content, salt storage in non airtight containers and malnutrition.


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How to Cite

Kshatri JS, Karmee N, Tripathy RM. Prevalence and Predictors of Poor Iodine Nutrition in Rural South Odisha: A Comparative Study between Coastal and Hilly Districts. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2017 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];8(01):41-6. Available from:



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