Coverage Evaluation of Immunization Services Provided to Children of Age Group (12-23 months) in Urban Slum of Western Gujarat


  • Mubashshera F Khan AIIMS Nagpur
  • Ilesh Kotecha M P Shah Government Medical college Jamnagar; Jamnagar
  • Mittal Rathod M P Shah Government Medical college Jamnagar; Jamnagar


Mamta card, fully immunized, partially or unimmunized


Introduction: Infectious diseases are major cause of morbidity and mortality in children. One of the most cost effective and easy methods for the healthy well-being of a child is immunization.

Objectives: 1) the study was designed to assess the immunization status of children of age group of 12-23 in urban slum of Jamnagar.

2) To find out the reasons for partial or un immunization and to know the various determinant of immunization.

Methodology: it was a cross sectional study done in urban slums of Jamnagar. two stage sampling methodology was adopted, in first stage 30 anganwadi were selected by systematic random sampling and in second stage from selected anganwadi 7 children (12-23 months) were chosen randomly. Data entry and analysis was done in Epi info 7.

Result: 93.3% children were having immunization card. Most common place of immunization was mamta session (93.6%), 3.9% at private hospital, 2.5% at government hospital.66.7% children were fully immunized, 30.5% partially immunized 2.9% were unimmunized. Maternal education, socioeconomic status and birth order were found to be determinant of low immunization status. Highest coverage was found for BCG (96.67%) and lowest for measles (71.4%).Most common reason for partial/un immuniza- tion was lack of information.

Conclusion: sustained contact between health worker and com- munity are needed to achieve the universal coverage of immunization.


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How to Cite

Khan MF, Kotecha I, Rathod M. Coverage Evaluation of Immunization Services Provided to Children of Age Group (12-23 months) in Urban Slum of Western Gujarat. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];10(02):108-13. Available from:



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