A Community Based Cross Sectional Study of Morbidity Pattern among Reproductive Age Group Women in Jamnagar District, Gujarat


  • Trusha Kansagra Shree M P Shah GMC, Jamnagar
  • Mittal Rathod Shree M P Shah GMC, Jamnagar
  • Mehul Kaliya Shree M P Shah GMC, Jamnagar
  • Amrita Sarkar NEIGRIHMS, Shillong, Meghalaya
  • Sumit Unadakat Shree M P Shah GMC, Jamnagar
  • Dipesh Parmar Shree M P Shah GMC, Jamnagar


Reproductive age group, Morbidity, Pattern, Prevalence


Background: The study was conducted to identify current & past morbidity prevalence & pattern of morbidity & associated factors.

Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was con- ducted among 450 women of reproductive age group of Jamnagar district.

Results & Conclusion: Prevalence of morbidity was about 64% currently & about 70% in past one year. Mean age of occurrence of any illness was around 32 years. Currently most common illnesses were weakness, URTI. There was significant association between no. of family members & occurrence of any episode of diarrhoea, warm infestation, URTI. In past year, weakness, anorexia, ab- dominal pain were common complaints. 12% had past history HT, where as about 8% had past history of DM. On clinical examina- tions, 24% had pallor; about 60% had BMI ≥23 kg/m2. 20.5% had high SBP & 5.3% had high DBP.

Conclusion: Mean age of occurrence of illness in last month was 32.38 years, which focuses on periodic check up of women after age of 30 years by grass root health workers & when needed should be referred. It needs community participation as well as community involvement.


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How to Cite

Kansagra T, Rathod M, Kaliya M, Sarkar A, Unadakat S, Parmar D. A Community Based Cross Sectional Study of Morbidity Pattern among Reproductive Age Group Women in Jamnagar District, Gujarat. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];9(06):434-8. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/737



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