A Study on Prevalence of Reproductive Tract Infections among Married Women in a Rural Area of Kanchipuram Tamilnadu
risk factor, symptoms, menstrual practices, reproductive ageAbstract
Introduction: Reproductive Tract Infection (RTI) is a major public and reproductive health threat globally. The burden of RTI deprives contribution of women in socioeconomic and cultural development. The aim is to determine the prevalence of RTI in married women and to spell out various associating factors of RTI.
Methodology: A cross sectional study done in the rural area around Sree Balaji Medical College. Using purposive sampling, 365 women were selected as study participants. Data collection was done using a pretested structured questionnaire. Data analysis was done using SPSS software version25.
Results: Among the 365 women, who participated in the study, the prevalence of RTI was 42%. Those reported more symptoms of RTI belonged to 16-25 (37.2%) years of age group. The commonest symptom reported by the women was abnormal vaginal discharge (16.4%), followed by lower abdominal pain (10.94%). The symptoms of reproductive tract infection were associated with age, age at marriage, education, socioeconomic status and menstrual hygiene practices.
Conclusion: Proper management, health education reduces high prevalence of RTI. Women should have enough knowledge to seek proper medical care for infections which are curable and reduces the risk of developing further complications.
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