Factors That Influence the Incidence of Retained Placenta in Maternity Women in Kanekes Village, Baduy Tribe, Indonesia
Baduy Tribe, Birth Attendance, Placental RetentionAbstract
Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO) states that one of the causes of bleeding is retained placenta. Retained placenta accounts for 2-3% of maternal deaths in developing countries. Various factors, including maternal, uterine, and retention factors, influence placental retention. The study aimed to determine the factors affecting the incidence of retained placenta in mothers giving birth in Kanekes Village, Baduy Tribe, Indonesia.
Material and Methods: This research uses an analytical survey method with a case-control design. There were 27 cases of placental retention experienced by women who gave birth vaginally. The researcher created the data collection format sheet instrument himself. The statistical test used is the chi-square test.
Results: The relationship between age and the incidence of retained placenta from 54 respondents was obtained from the chi-square statistical test on the age variable with a p = 0.010 <0.05 value. The relationship between parity and the incidence of retained placenta (p = 0.04). However, non-significant results were found in the relationship between birth assistance and the incidence of retained placenta (p = 0.750).
Conclusions: The results show a relationship between age and parity factors and retained placenta incidence. However, in the birth assistance variable, the results show no relationship between birth assistance factors and the incidence of placental retention.
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