Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Among Jordanian Adults: Uncovering the Underdiagnosed and The Triggering Factors
IBS, Rome IV, Factors, JordanAbstract
Background: There is no pervious investigation of the prevalence and triggering factors of undiagnosed IBS among Jordanian adults. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Jordanians living with undiagnosed IBS and examine how sociodemographic variables and symptoms, influenced people with IBS on a daily basis.
Methods: Between July and September 2023, a cross-sectional survey was carried out in Jordan employing proportionate random sampling across the country's regions.
Results: The odds of having IBS were 1.471 and 1.475 times higher in adults with psychological distress and insomnia severity respectively compared with no IBS adults. However, the odds of having IBS were 0.548 and 0.601 times lower in caffeine drinkers and smokers respectively compared to non-IBS. In smokers having IBS, the odds of disordered eating attitudes were significantly greater by 17% compared with nonsmokers having IBS, whereas the BMI was significantly lower by 65.4% compared with nonsmokers having IBS. In comparison to non-caffeine drinking having IBS, the odds of disordered eating attitudes and insomnia severity were significantly greater by 33% and 19.5%, respectively.
Conclusion: The study emphasized the need for increasing IBS awareness among Jordanian citizens to encourage early diagnosis and reduce the proportion of undiagnosed IBS people.
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