Traditional Fermented Food of India:- Sources of Probiotic Bacteria May Maintain Diversity of Gut Microbiota and Manage The Symptoms of Asthma
Asthma, Fermented food, Probiotic bacteria, Gut microbiotaAbstract
The fermented foods that we consume contain certain beneficial bacteria. They occur naturally in some foods and others added culture. Consuming these foods keeps the balance between pathogenic bacteria and symbiotic beneficial bacteria in our intestine. It improves the overall health in ways science has just discovered. There are many studies available in this area and the results are very promising. Feeding fermented foods improved gut microbiome diversity as reported in many research studies. Since there were very handful numbers of research articles in this area, the current review gives a comprehensive idea about the fermented food, and the bacteria responsible for the fermentation and their health benefits are well described. In addition, there is also focus on the role of the symbiotic beneficial bacteria in managing the allergy and asthma.
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