Impact Of Media and Education on Food Practices in Urban Area of Varanasi


  • Shuchi R Bhatt Agrasen P.G. College, Varanasi, UP
  • Sheeendra M Bhatt Lovely Institute of Biotechnology, Lovely Professional University, Punjab
  • Anita Singh Agrasen P.G. College, Varanasi, UP


Food choice, food adulteration, food practices


Background: Currently food malpractices are increasing in various metro cities of India and all the measures taken by agencies are failed to detect rapidly and many times it becomes late when the adulteration is detected. Worst scenario is the adulteration of some branded items of the children’s and in the women’s use such as milk cheese, ghee and oils. Therefore, Study for food practices and safety measures was done in selected area of Varanasi which was also validated by the wetlab methods.

Methods: For this objective, questionnaire was prepared and distributed among selected people depending on their age group, sex and educational background. Statistical test were carried out on the basis of frequency of male and female respondents obtained in total respondents (n = 300). Chi square test were done and the calculated value were compared with value of t test (0.05) and on this basis, conclusion were drawn.

Results: Result shows that regardless of the age income and religion, all of the groups are well aware the food adulteration and educated people are less prone to the effect. In terms of adulteration any how all the stores contains adulterated food however branded items contains less %age of adulteration than local item. This may be caused due to inactive agencies or longer process of legal system

Conclusions: Study show that there is lag in following the food practices by all the ages in spite of having good media awareness program and knowledge of food practices.


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How to Cite

Bhatt SR, Bhatt SM, Singh A. Impact Of Media and Education on Food Practices in Urban Area of Varanasi. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2012 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];3(04):581-8. Available from:



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