Does Food Safety Practices At Home Influence Food Borne Illnesses? - A Study in Urban Slum Households, Mysuru
Food safety, nutritional care, food handling, food borne illnessesAbstract
Introduction: Food handlers have been found to play prominent roles in transmission of food-borne diseases at all stages of food production - handling, preparation, storage and serving of food and can pose a significant public health problem. At household levels, women folk form significant individuals who handle the kitchens and action is required to reduce the likelihood of home derived food borne diseases.
Objectives: The study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding food safety among women at household level and to assess the association of knowledge, practices and food borne illnesses in their respective families.
Methods: A cross-sectional community based study was done among 203 women in a declared slum of Mysuru city. Pretested semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect Data. Results were represented in form of proportions and Chi square test was used to find significant association between variables.
Results: Adequate knowledge regarding food safety was seen in 183(90.1%), 139(68.3%) showed positive attitude, 122(60.3%) had good practices towards food safety.
Conclusion: Role of females in the prevention of food borne diseases is very important as targeted hygiene is a risk-based approach and need for a hygiene intervention based upon the source of pathogens, the potential routes of transfer within the home and the risk posed by them to a family member.
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