Pattern of Road Traffic Accident Patients Admitted In Government Medical College and Hospital Nagpur – A Cross Sectional Study


  • Prafulla S Sune GMC Nagpur, Nagpur
  • Sandeep M Bhelkar GMC Nagpur, Nagpur
  • Uday W Narlawar GMC Nagpur, Nagpur
  • Sanjeev M Chaudhary GMC Nagpur, Nagpur



Road Traffic, Accidents, Injuries, head injury


Introduction- Injuries are increasingly recognized as a global public health epidemic. Around the world, almost 16,000 people die every-day from all types of injuries. Injuries represent 12% of the global burden of disease, the third most important cause of overall mortality and the main cause of death among 1-40-year age groups.

Methodology- This hospital based cross-sectional study was conducted among the road traffic accident patients admitted in trauma care center of Government Medical College and Hospital Nagpur.

Result- Most common type of injury was abrasion in 91.45% followed by laceration in 79.61% of study subjects. Other common injuries were contusion, fracture, internal hemorrhage, crush injury and dislocation. Majority of the study subjects i.e. 67.11% had head injury.

Conclusion- Head injury was the most common injury found in the study. Abrasion and laceration was also more commonly found in study subjects. Head injury was found more in non-users of personal protective devices which was statistically significant.


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How to Cite

Sune PS, Bhelkar SM, Narlawar UW, Chaudhary SM. Pattern of Road Traffic Accident Patients Admitted In Government Medical College and Hospital Nagpur – A Cross Sectional Study. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];11(06):240-3. Available from:



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