Screening for Behavioural Abnormality Using Strength & Difficulty Questionnaire (SDQ) in Children with Epilepsy
Children , Epilepsy , Behaviour, SDQ Scale, Risk FactorAbstract
Aims: To estimate the problem of behavioural co morbidity and to determine risk factors associated with epilepsy in children.
Methods: A prospective observational study using Hindi and Gujarati version of Strength & Difficulty questionnaire (SDQ) was conducted. Children aged 6 to 17 years with epilepsy (CWE) as cases & without epilepsy as controls enrolled. Detailed demographic and clinical data were recorded. The total difficulty score and the subscale scores were compared between two groups. Comparison of the scores were done among the children with epilepsy group also.
Results: 52 children in each group were included. Self-reported SDQ used in 76% and parent reported SDQ used in 27% participants. Prevalence of behaviour abnormality was 25% in CWE. (p 0.004). CWE had significantly higher mean total difficulty score (p<0.001) and mean emotional (p <0.0001) and conduct subscale score (p 0.0024). Children having uncontrolled epilepsy (OR 15, 95% CI 2.9 - 76.3, p 0.0005) and having number of seizures more than 3 (OR 13.33 95% CI 3.4 - 51.04, p 0.0004) were found to be significantly associated with behavioural abnormality.
Conclusion: Epileptic children are at more risk of behavioural problem than in normal children, especially emotional problem and conduct problem. Uncontrolled epilepsy and frequency of seizure were significant risk factor for occurrence of behavioural problem.
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