Evaluation of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Partnership Schemes under the Revised National Tuberculosis Program (RNTCP) in Gujarat, India


  • Bhavesh Modi Dept of Community Medicine, GMERS Medical College & Civil Hospital, Gandhinagar
  • Gaurav Desai Dept of Community Medicine, GMERS Medical College & Civil Hospital, Gandhinagar


NGO, Private Practitioners, RNTCP, Tuberculosis


Background: Government of India has started NGO schemes under RNTCP since 2001. However, there are no details available to show the impact or effectiveness of such interventions. The study was conducted to evaluate the NGO partnership schemes under RNTCP and to identify challenges and probable solutions for improvement of the same.

Methods: Mixed methods design: Quantitative data collection followed by Qualitative phase (personal interviews) during year 2016-17 across the Gujarat. 25% NGOs were selected from each scheme by two-stage random sampling.

Results: Most NGOs were enrolled in Scheme 1 and 2 (advocacy and slum). No NGOs enrolled in Scheme 10 and 11, while only 1 NGO was enrolled in Scheme 7, 8 and 9. All the NGO have registration number, submitted financial documents and 96.5% NGO were registered in NGO portal. Only 41.4% NGOs attended regular monthly DTO meeting. Almost 80% NGO shad organized sensitization meeting among high risk groups. Sputum positivity was more than 5% in most NGO. Defaulter retrieval was high but actual number of patients was low.

Conclusion: NGO scheme under RNTCP are useful to reach the objectives, however they are underutilized and focused only in selected schemes/ geographic areas. RNTCP need to revise existing schemes to ensure more NGOs involved and work in larger geographic areas.


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How to Cite

Modi B, Desai G. Evaluation of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Partnership Schemes under the Revised National Tuberculosis Program (RNTCP) in Gujarat, India. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];11(01):7-12. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/200



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