Incidence & Prevalence of Silico tuberculosis in Western Rajasthan: A Retrospective Study of Three Years


  • Kulbeer Chopra Dr. SN Medical college Jodhpur
  • Prabhu Prakash Dr. SN Medical college Jodhpur
  • Suman Bhansali Dr. SN Medical college Jodhpur
  • Arvind Mathur Dr. SN Medical college Jodhpur
  • P K Gupta Dr. SN Medical college Jodhpur


Silicotuberculosis, Western Rajasthan, Retrospective Study


Silicosis is a form of pneumoconiosis. It results from inhalation of dust containing crystalline Silica particles of size 0.5 - 5 microns in diameter. Prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Silicotics is more common when compared to prevalence in general population. This entity is called Silico- tuberculosis. Study was conducted in Kamla Nehru Chest Hospital attached with Dr.SNMC Jodhpur, among 300 stone mine workers of sand stone mines of Jodhpur with clinico-radiological evidence of Silico-tuberculosis. Workers were divided into 3 categories cutter / driller involved in blasting and cutting stones, dresser engaged in fine work by chisel and Labourer - Loading and Unloading of Stones in Mines .All studied patients were males, majority of cases belong to 21-55 years (93%) age group. Among these cases maximum no. of patients belong to 46-50 yr. (18%) age group. This is the most economically productive age group in India. With increase in duration of exposure from (0-20 years) to Silica particles there is increase in the no. of silico-tuberculosis. After 20 year of exposure there is decrease in no. of cases because cases do not survive upto that long period. 137 patients out of 300 cases were confirmed Acid Fast Bacilli positive by smear examination. 123 patients out of 300 cases were bacteriologically confirmed by culture. Out of 123 culture positive cases 66 (53.65%) were typical Mycobacteria& 57 (46.34%) were Atypical Mycobacterium. M. Kansasii(28), M. Scrofulaceum ( 9) ,M. Ulcerans(1) M. Fortuitum ( 19), When radiological pattern of Typical Mycobacteria cases and Atypical Mycobacterial cases were confirmed compared we found that Cavity with Nodulation, Pleural Reaction, Progressive Massive Fibrosis, Lower Lobe Involvement, Pnemothorax they all were more common in Atypical than Typical Mycobacteria. M.Kansasii predominantly grown in mining area all around the world. Prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Silicotics is more common when compared to prevalence in general population hence all should use prophylactic measures.


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How to Cite

Chopra K, Prakash P, Bhansali S, Mathur A, Gupta PK. Incidence & Prevalence of Silico tuberculosis in Western Rajasthan: A Retrospective Study of Three Years. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2012 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];3(01):161-3. Available from:



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