A Study to Assess Water Source Sanitation, Water Quality and Water Related Practices at Household Level in Rural Madhya Pradesh
Water source, Surveillance, Water qualityAbstract
Background-Access to safe drinking water depends not only on the quality of water at source but also on contamination throughout it’s way to the user and practices related to purification and sanitation. So, the present study was conducted to assess sanitary conditions of selected water sources and their water quality.
Methodology-Study was conducted in Jhagri village of rural field practice area Banda subdivision of Sagar district. A total of 312 randomly selected households were included in the study. It was a Community based, Cross- Sectional, Descriptive study. A WHO 9- point standard format was used with some modifications to assess the sanitary status of water sources and it’s surrounding area. A pre-tested structured questionnaire used to collect information on water related practices.
Results- All the selected water sources were exposed to contamination and no source of water was found sanitary. Qualitative value of all the water source was within the prescribed limit. Percentage of households who collect drinking water from a distance of more than 100 meters was 44.8%. Problem regarding water facility was perceived by 84.2% households. Some important practices like washing hands before drawing water, use of long handle vessel were lacking.
Conclusion-All the water sources were exposed to contamination by different means and purification and sanitary practices related to water was lacking.
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