Assessment of Quality of Sleep among Urban Working Women Using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
PSQI, Quality, Sleep, Working women, Pittsburge Sleep Quality IndexAbstract
Introduction: Sleep disorder is a common and complicated health problem, which cause morbidity, mortality, decreasing functional capacity and quality of life. Working women are at increased risk for developing sleep disorders due to work-life imbalance added with family responsibilities. The study was conducted to assess the quality of sleep and factors affecting it among working women using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).
Methodology: Community based cross sectional study was conducted among 234 working women aged 18 years and above. Data was collected and PSQI was used to assess quality of sleep.
Results: 41.5% working women were in the age-group of 30-39 years, 53.4% belonging to Class I SES, 83.3% married and 85.9% working between 4-8 hours. Poor sleep quality was seen in 72.6% working women with mean PSQI score of 5.24 (SD ± 1.408).90.6% married women had poor sleep quality compared to 35.9% unmarried, who had normal sleep [χ2=23.55, df=1, p<0.0001]. 92.4% women with poor sleep quality worked for ≤8 hours per day as compared to 7.6% who worked for >8 hours [χ2=6.007, df=1, p=0.0143].
Conclusions: PSQI can be used as a screening tool for early diagnosis. Counselling and health education sessions can be initiated at the earliest at work place.
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