Glycated Hemoglobin Pattern and Its Correlation with Lipid Profile in Type-2 Diabetic Males in Central India
Type 2 diabetes, Glycated Hemoglobin, Waist Hip Ratio, Lipid ProfileAbstract
Background: HbA1c can be interpreted as an average of the blood glucose present over the past 3-4 months. An elevated Hb1Ac levels indicates poor control of blood glucose levels or poor glycemic index.
Objectives: To study the pattern of glycated hemoglobin, waist-hip ratio (WHR) and lipid profile and correlation of glycated hemoglobin with WHR and lipid profile in Type-2 diabetic males and to compare with normal study subjects.
Materials & Methods: Cross sectional study was carried out with the comparison group among male study subjects in the age group of 35-45 years. Group of 50 diabetic males was compared with the group of 50 normal male study subjects of the same age group from the same population. Estimation of Fasting and post meal blood sugar, lipid profile and glycated hemoglobin was done for each study subject.
Results: Type 2 diabetics had significantly higher mean fasting, post meal blood sugar levels, glycated Hb and lipid profile parameters except high density lipoproteins (HDL) as compared to control group. Statistically significant linear positive correlation was observed between Glycated hemoglobin and Waist-Hip ratio as well as lipid parameters except HDL in Type-2 Diabetic group. The negative significant correlation was seen between glycated Hb and HDL in type 2 diabetic group.
Conclusion: Type 2 diabetic males with poorly controlled diabetes had significantly deranged lipid profile as compared to normal study subjects and were at increased risk of dyslipidemias. Also the levels of glycated hemoglobin were significantly correlated with the lipid parameters and the waist hip ratio.
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