Mic Leak Disaster and Environmental Contamination: Time to Act Now


  • Brajendra Mishra Chirayu Medical College & Hospital, Bhopal
  • Nalok Banerjee National Institute for Research in Environmental Health (NIREH- Indian Council of Medical Research), Bhopal


MIC Disaster, Toxic contamination HCH, Atmospheric inversion, Remediation


Background: More than a quarter century has passed since Methyl Isocyanate disaster took place at Union Carbide’s Sevin manufacturing plant at Bhopal on the night of 2nd /3rd December 1984. Mixture of toxic gases settled down on densely populated old city of Bhopal affecting human beings, animals, plants and even microflora. The stored stockpiles and the products of reactions contaminated air, water, soil and human as well as animal bodies.

Methods and Procedures: field visit; monthly /six monthly and annually were made to have firsthand information on the affected area and the localities surrounding it. Extensive secondary data review was done to understand the genesis, quantum and the potential of the contaminants to harm the environment and the human health.

Results: It was found that the air was clean by 6th December 1984 and threat to environment by stored MIC was removed by 22nd December 1984. Soil was evaluated and observed that the potential to cause acute toxicity was at minimal by 2002. In 2013 water from local tube wells was found contaminated with inorganic Lead and HCH (>permissible limit) and HCH γ under permissible limit and it is recommended to be used for only non-internal consumption purposes. Soil which at present is the main source of future contamination needs immediate remediation.

Conclusion: Fear of contamination and resultant ill health is so far unsubstantiated. However, further study should be conducted to link toxicant present in water/soil, pathways to reach food chain and ultimately human body and with their present health status. Soil remediation should be under taken on war footing.


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How to Cite

Mishra B, Banerjee N. Mic Leak Disaster and Environmental Contamination: Time to Act Now. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];5(01):13-20. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/1305



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