Intrauterine Devices and Reproductive Tract Infections: A Cross-Sectional Study in Urban Slum
IUD, RTI, contraceptive practicesAbstract
Introduction: The concern that intrauterine devices (IUDs) might cause or facilitate reproductive tract infection has limited its use.
Objectives: The study aims to explore the relationship between re- productive tract infections & IUD use.
Materials and Methods: A hospital based cross sectional study con- ducted in STI/RTI Clinic located in urban slums of Mumbai, involv- ing total 169 married females of reproductive age group who pre- sented with symptoms of RTI and using atleast one type of contra- ceptive method, who attended OPD from January to March 2012. Tool for interview was the questionnaire about sociodemographic profile, contraceptive practices, and symptoms of the participants. Disease specific laboratory methods were used to confirm diagnosis of RTI.
Results: 47(27.81%) females were using IUD as contraceptive method in this study. Proportion of the symptoms was more among IUD us- ers than non IUD users. 33(70.2%) had suffered from STI / RTI who were using IUDs as compared to 63 (51.6%) non-IUD users showing statistically significant association.
Conclusion: There is a statistically significant association between use of IUD and RTI.
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