Study Of Congenital Malformation in Neonates Born at Tertiary Care Hospital
Congenital malformation, neonate, musculoskeletal system, risk factorsAbstract
Introduction: Congenital malformations are major contributors of neonatal mortality or lifelong disability. Early diagnosis and early surgical treatment when required can prevent neonatal deaths and help for better survival.
Method: An observational prospective study was carried out at a tertiary care hospital. All neonates delivered from 1st July, 2007 to August, 2009 including still borns were included in the study. Detailed maternal history was taken, complete clinical examination and necessary investigations were carried out to look for congenital malformations. Babies were followed up till one week of life. Data was recorded and analysed with standard statistical software.
Results: Out of 6652 babies, 113 (1.69%) babies were diagnosed having congenital malformations. Amongst them, 98 were live births and 15 were still borns. Out of 113 babies, 34 babies (30.04%) were diagnosed antenatally. CNS malformations were the most common to be antenatally diagnosed. At the end of first week of follow up, 22 out of 98(22.44%) expired, 73(74.48%) survived and 3(3.06%) were lost in follow up.
Conclusion: Incidence of congenital malformations was significantly high in still born babies. Factors like prematurity, low birth weight, birth order four or more, liquor abnormalities and maternal age more than 35 years were found to carry higher risk for congenital malformations. Musculoskeletal system was most commonly affected. Congenital talipesequinovarus was the commonest malformation.
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