Association Of Sedentary Behavior with Overweight and Obesity Among School Adolescents in Bhopal City
Overweight, Obesity, Sedentary behaviorAbstract
Background - Prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased for the past few decades. World Health Organization refers obesity as a global epidemic. There is a need to assess the prevalence and to find the factors responsible, so as to implement timely interven- tions.
Aims & objectives -To assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents studying in school and the factors re- sponsible for the same.
Material & methods -The study was conducted in adolescents studying at both government as well as private schools in Bhopal aged 12-19years. Obesity was assessed using WHO criteria for SEAR countries based on the body mass index. Pretested and semi structured questionnaire was used to collect the data on sedentary behavior like T.V. watching, using internet, playing videogames and indoor games.
Results: The overall prevalence of overweight was 5.6% and obe- sity was 1% among 4560 adolescents studied. Factors like time spent in watching television, internet using were directly related to overweight and obesity.
Conclusion: Overweight and obesity are multi factorial and needs a multi pronged interventions at the earliest for control and pre- vention.
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