Knowledge Attitude and Practices Among Self Medication Users in A Rural Area of Bhopal
Awareness, Attitude, Self medication, Over the counter drugsAbstract
Introduction: Self medication is an important health issue specially in developing country like India. Practicing self-medication for drugs like antibiotics might lead to drug resistance; and hence, there needs to be a check on these practices.
Methodology: It was a cross-sectional study conducted in the field practice area of Rural Health and Training Center, CMCH, Bhopal. for a period of 3 months between August 2016 and October 2016. A sample size of 325 was calculated using formula Z2P(1-P)/d2. House to house survey was conducted and data was collected using a questionnaire method based on memory recall of a period of one month.
Results: Major reason for practicing OTC drug in self medication practitioners was high cost of consultation (136-41.8%), followed by mild illness/Doctor’s advice not needed (21.5%). Painkillers were the most common group of medicine used by 180 (55.3%) subjects and bodyache/joint pain was most common symptom for which almost 156 (48%) subjects sought OTC.
Conclusion: Though the awareness level regarding over-the-counter drugs was quite good, but the attitude was in favor of self medication.
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