Are Women Availing Post Natal Care Services? Cross Sectional Study in an Urban Slum of Mumbai


  • Jyoti Landge Dr D Y Patil Medical College & DPU, Pune
  • Armaity Dehmubed Topiwala National Medical College, Mumbai
  • J S Bhawalkar Dr D Y Patil Medical College & DPU, Pune


Morbidity, Post Natal Care, Urban Slum, Utilisation


Background: More than half a million women each year die of causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Utilization of postnatal care service in India is low due to various factors. Current study is an attempt to find morbidity in post natal period, utilisation of post natal care services and factors affecting same.

Material and Method: a community-based, cross-sectional study was carried out from Jan 2012 to Dec 2012 among 15–49 years mothers who gave birth during study period.  Systematic random sampling and structured questionnaires were used to collect data.

Results: maximum Subjects were in age group of 26-30years. 32(16%) received one, 12 (6%) two, and 10(5%) three postnatal check-up. 103(51.5%) had problem in post natal period during first 6weeks after delivery. Only 42(21%) subjects visited doctor for their problem in post natal period. Analysis of reason for not having post natal visits were didn’t feel need to go for Post Natal Health check up in 132(66%), lack of time in 28(14%) and unaware about Post Natal health services in 40(20%) subjects.

Conclusion: Post natal care is poor, steps to be taken to educate the mothers regarding the dangers in neglecting the post natal care.


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How to Cite

Landge J, Dehmubed A, Bhawalkar JS. Are Women Availing Post Natal Care Services? Cross Sectional Study in an Urban Slum of Mumbai. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2017 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];8(06):288-91. Available from:



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