Correlates Of Change in Cd4 Count Among the HIV Patients at Antiretroviral Treatment Centers in India: Cross Sectional Analysis of Secondary Data


  • Ram C Bajpai Nayati Healthcare and Research Pvt Ltd, Gurgaon
  • Himanshu K Chaturvdi2 National Institute of Medical Statistics, New Delhi
  • Nidhi Bhatnagar Army College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
  • Ugra M Jha National AIDS Control Organization, New Delhi


CD4 count, HIV/AIDS, ART, Secondary data, Regression analysis, India


Introduction: The CD4 count supervision is an important part of the HIV-care programme worldwide. The monitoring of CD4 counts over time could provide insight into the way patient’s respond to the treatment with effectiveness over time.

Methodology: Information on demographic and programme variables was extracted from 114210 patients across the country registered during 2007 with initial CD4 counts and longitudinally reassessed in 2012. The logistic regression method was used to find the factors associated with CD4 change either positive or negative.

Results: The CD4 counts increased significantly over time in different subcategories of age, sex, ART status and time to ART initiation. 50.7% of total registered HIV-patients exhibits any change in their CD4 from initial measurement. The regression analysis showed any change in CD4 was associated with age, TS/TG group, on ART patients and ART initiation after 1 year. Further, 75% of these patients were displayed increase in CD4 counts. The likelihood of increase in CD4 was statistically associated with higher chances within the subgroup of factors as age <15 years, TS/TG group and on ART patients.

Conclusion: Strategic interventions to increase early diagnosis of HIV infection, linkage to HIV-care and rapid access to ART must be implemented at country level, especially among the key population with poor access to HIV services.


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How to Cite

Bajpai RC, Chaturvdi2 HK, Bhatnagar N, Jha UM. Correlates Of Change in Cd4 Count Among the HIV Patients at Antiretroviral Treatment Centers in India: Cross Sectional Analysis of Secondary Data. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2016 Feb. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];7(02):71-7. Available from:



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