CD4 Count and Opportunistic Infections in HIV Positive Patients with Neurological Manifestations


  • Hemantkumar M Shah SMIMER, Surat
  • Ankur S Patel SMIMER, Surat


TB Meningitis (TBM), CD4 count, HIV, Neurological Manifestations


Introduction: CD4 count is having special predictive value in oc- currence of opportunistic infection. Opportunistic infection mostly occurs when CD4 count goes below 250 cells/microL.

Methodology: This was a cross sectional study, done in 50 HIV positive patients attending medicine OPD and admitted patients in SMIMER, a tertiary care hospital in Surat, Gujarat, India. All HIV positive patients above 18 years presenting with neurological manifestations and ready to give informed written consent to par- ticipate were included. Complete clinical assessment and laborato- ry investigations were performed in all cases.

Results: Mean CD-4 count in TBM was 140, in Cryptococcal men- ingitis was 52, in Toxoplasmosis was 170 and in AIDP was 281. The difference in the mean CD4 count is statistically significant (p- Value<0.001). Thus AIDP can occur at CD4 level as high as 281 cells/microL.

Conclusion: Most common primary neurological illness  was DSPN and secondary neurological illness was TBM. AIDP can oc- cur at CD4 level as high as 281 cells/microL. Whereas other OIs can occur after CD4 count goes below 200 cells/microL.


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How to Cite

Shah HM, Patel AS. CD4 Count and Opportunistic Infections in HIV Positive Patients with Neurological Manifestations. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];9(12):893-6. Available from:



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