Indication For Vitrectomy in A Tertiary Care Hospital
Pars Plana Vitrectomy, Nucleus drop, Vitreous haemorrhage, Proliferative retinopathy, TraumaAbstract
Introduction: On the basis of development in vitrectomy procedure a whole new subspecialty termed vitreoretinal surgery has evolved over past 30 years. We conducted this study to evaluate usefulness and necessity of Pars plana vitrectomy in today’s time.
Methods: A hospital-based cross-sectional study of series of cases was carried out in retina clinic of SMIMER, Surat, Gujarat, From July 2012 to November 2014. 46 patients who underwent vitreo-retina surgeries were reviewed. Demography, duration of symptoms, risk factors and indications and preoperative visual acuity analyzed.
Results: Of 46 patients, preoperatively, 89 % had visual acuity of 2/60 to perception of light .The main indication for TPPV was nuclear drop, in 50 %. Other indication in our study are vitreous haemorrhage (26.1%), proliferative retinopathy (15.2%), trauma (15.2%), dislocated IOL (6.5%), endopthalmitis (6.5%) and retinal detachment (2.2%).
Conclusion: VR surgery is undertaken for a wide range of conditions, but a small number of diagnoses encompass the majority of cases. The main indication for TPPV is Nucleus drop as our centre is a tertiary care referral centre. Main aetiology of vitreous haemorrhage was diabetic retinopathy.
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