Utilization of Antenatal Care Services and Its Determinants in Rural Field Practice Area of Jaipur, India
antenatal care, tetanus toxoid, iron folic acid, pregnancyAbstract
Introduction: In developing countries like India, maternal mortali- ty is a big concern. Antenatal care is being the effective approach for safe motherhood but these services are deficient in rural area. So the objective of this study is to evaluate utilization of antenatal care services in rural field area Naila in Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Methodology: A community based cross sectional study was con- ducted among 111 women, who delivered between January 2017 - December 2017 by using a predesigned & pre-tested questionnaire. Statistical analysis: Percentages, Proportions and chi-square test.
Results: The 97.2% women registered their pregnancy and among them 72.0% were registered during first trimester. 47.7% women had received four or more antenatal visits, 98.19% were immun- ized with adequate dose of tetanus toxoid and 30.6% had con- sumed 100 or more than 100 IFA tablets. Only 17.1% women had utilized full antenatal care during pregnancy. Factors like educa- tional status, type of family and Socio-economic status had a sig- nificant association with full ANC utilization.
Conclusion: The lower socioeconomic status, lower literacy, Nu- clear family were related to low utilization of antenatal services. These findings may be useful for improving the maternal health practices and thus improve the health status of the women.
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