Perception on Community Oriented Learning among Medical Students in a Medical College in Bangalore


  • Ramya M Manchegowda Adichunchangiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Mandya
  • Ashwath N Doddabele Hanumanthaiah Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore


Curriculum, Medical students, Primary care physicians, Perception


Introduction: Medical colleges have the social responsibility to produce primary health care physicians for providing preventive, promotive, curative & rehabilitative services to the community. Medical council of India has recommended, community oriented learning in Medical curriculum. Community Medicine department is conducting family studies, field visits, Pulse Polio Immunization programme & other community oriented learning for medical stu- dents in 3rd year MBBS.

Objective: The present study was conducted to assess the percep- tion on community oriented learning among the medical students.

Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was done among 106 final year medical students by using self-administered question- naire. The study was done between December 2015 to March 2016. Perception was assessed using five point likert scale.

Results and Conclusion: There was a positive perception among medical students regarding family study, field visits & pulse polio programme for developing  communication skills, group learning & sensitization to community health


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How to Cite

Manchegowda RM, Hanumanthaiah AND. Perception on Community Oriented Learning among Medical Students in a Medical College in Bangalore. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];9(08):585-8. Available from:



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