Implementation of Quality Assurance in Reproductive & Child Health Services Project in Maharashtra State
Checklists, Team, Assessment, Visits, GradingAbstract
Introduction: Globally ‘quality health care’ and particularly the domain of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) services attract substantial attention. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) implemented Quality Assurance in Reproductive and Child Health Services Project in India. This study was conducted to document evolution and process of implementation of that project.
Methodology: It was a descriptive study using mixed methods. Authors analysed statistics generated through reviewing secondary data, visits to health care institutions, interviewing various stake holders and focused group discussions.
Results: Regular visit to health institutions by a multidisciplinary trained team was the core strategy. The districts in the project were added in four phases. In each selected district institutions were added in rounds. The number of institutions covered in first three phases was 1,231. Checklists and grades were prepared for different types of institutions. Government trained 903 personnel for paying visits to institutions. Only 53.65% planned visits were actually paid. There was improvement in grades. The women appreciated the quality improvement activities.
Conclusions: The process of expansion adopted in this project demonstrates its applicability in any large geographical areas and particularly resource-crunch areas. The involvement of in-house multidisciplinary team is effective and self-sustaining.
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