Perception Regarding Various Aspects of Mosquito Born Diseases among People Residing in Urban Field Practice Area, Gulbarga


  • Kuldeep J Dabade Gulbarga Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalaburagi
  • Sheetal K Dabade Gulbarga Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalaburagi


Perception, vector borne diseases, breeding places, prevention


Introduction: Mosquito borne diseases is a growing urban prob- lem because of unplanned urbanization, industrialization and ex- cessive population growth coupled with rural to urban migration.

Objectives: This study was conducted to study demographic pro- file of study population and assessing their knowledge, attitude and practices regarding various aspects of mosquito born diseases.

Methodology: This observational cross sectional community based study was carried among people residing in urban area. House to house survey was conducted and total 263 families were included using convenience sampling method.

Results: 85% of study population has knowledge about disease transmitted by bite of mosquito. 77% respondents answered fever or fever with rigors, headache as symptoms of mosquito born dis- eases. 84% of study population consider drains or polluted dirty water as common breeding places. Only 17.5% people known that Water accumulated in Coconut shells, broken bottles, vehicle tires and clean water can be breeding places for mosquito. 63% of study population use repellents in various forms like coils, mats, liquida- tors and creams as a protective measure against mosquito bites.

Conclusion: Stringent efforts should be made to create public awareness and mobilize the community to promote various pre- ventive measures against mosquito borne diseases.


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How to Cite

Dabade KJ, Dabade SK. Perception Regarding Various Aspects of Mosquito Born Diseases among People Residing in Urban Field Practice Area, Gulbarga. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];10(01):17-21. Available from:



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