A Community Level KAP Study on Mosquito Control in Jamnagar District


  • Kishor M Dhaduk Shree M P Shah govt. Medical college, Jamnagar Gujarat
  • Kapil M Gandha Shree M P Shah govt. Medical college, Jamnagar Gujarat
  • Bhavin N Vadera Shree M P Shah govt. Medical college, Jamnagar Gujarat
  • Jitesh P Mehta Shree M P Shah govt. Medical college, Jamnagar Gujarat
  • Dipesh V Parmar Shree M P Shah govt. Medical college, Jamnagar Gujarat
  • Sudha B Yadav Shree M P Shah govt. Medical college, Jamnagar Gujarat


Community participation, Breeding, active surveillance, personal protection, larvae control


Background: The vectors borne diseases poses an immense public health concern and are major impediments in the path of socio-economic development.

Objective: To assess domestic environment as well as community level KAP on mosquito control measures in Jamnagar district.

Methods & statistics: It was a cross-sectional survey of 450 household by a pre-tested proforma analyzed by Microsoft excel office 2007. It was carried out in urban, urban slum and rural areas of Jamnagar district.

Results: Rural domestic environment was favorable for mosquito breeding. Most of the respondents were unaware about the places where mosquito bred. The knowledge regarding vector, routes and symptoms of malaria was good, while majority were unaware about types of malaria and other mosquito borne diseases. Active malaria surveillance activity was totally lacking in urban area (94%), while it was very poor in rural and slum area. The preferred treatment providers in the community neither screened malaria nor imparted health education about mosquito control. 56% of the respondents were practicing at least one personal protective and larvae control measure, but less efficient one.

Conclusion: Community participation in term of KAP regarding vector control is deficient at places & needs to be addressed for effective mosquito control.


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How to Cite

Dhaduk KM, Gandha KM, Vadera BN, Mehta JP, Parmar DV, Yadav SB. A Community Level KAP Study on Mosquito Control in Jamnagar District. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2013 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 24];4(02):321-8. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/1525



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