A Study of Medication Adherence and Self-Care Practices among Type- 2 Diabetes Patients in Davangere
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, medication adherence, self- care practicesAbstract
Background: In Diabetes Mellitus self-care practices can lead to better prevention and control of complications. This study was conducted to assess medication adherence among Type-2 diabetes patients; to assess self-care practices among Type-2 diabetes pa- tients; to identify factors associated with non-adherence to medica- tion among Type-2 diabetes patients; and to identify factors asso- ciated with self-care practices among Type-2 diabetes patients.
Materials and Methods: This study was a hospital based cross- sectional study conducted among 100 cases at the diabetic clinics of JJM Medical college teaching hospital Davangere who gave in- formed written consent.
Results: Among 150 diabetic patients, 45% of the patients were highly adherent to their medication. 78% of the study subjects were following healthy eating plan on an average in the past month. Not even a single subject followed the self-care practice of monitoring of blood sugar.
Conclusions: In the present study majority of study subjects were adherent to medication. Significant association was observed be- tween non adherence to medication and lack of emotional support from family and friends. Overall self-care practices were satisfac- tory except for self-monitoring of blood glucose level.
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