Effectiveness of Nutrition Education as Intervention on Complementary Feeding Practices & Growth of Children in Rural Area


  • Vidya Mallesh Chikkamagaluru institute of medical science, Chikkamagaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Shailaja S Patil BLDE (Deemed to be university) Shri BM Patil Medical college Hospital & Research Center Vijayapura, India




Educational intervention, nutritional education, complementary-feeding


Background: The first 2years of a child's, feeding-pattern is an important determinant of childhood-malnutrition. Nutritional education on complementary feeding was provided, and the impact on Minimum-Meal-Diversity [MMD], Minimum-Meal-Frequency [MMF] & the children's growth, was evaluated & compared between the education-intervention group and the control group.

Methodology: The study was conducted in 2villages of Vijayapura-district 5Anganwadi from each village was selected for study and compared. Primary-outcome: improvement in MMD, MMF Secondary-outcome: weight for age Z-score [WAZ], weight for age Z-score [HAZ] &mid-arm-circumference.

Results: Overall education-intervention-group showed better weight-gain than control-arm significant-difference was observed in WAZi.e1.36 v/s1 (p<0.0017*) & HAZ-3.82 v/s -4 (p<0.00078*) respectively. In Intervention-arm mothers following MMF significantly increased &was statistically significant. There was a significant rise in the percentage of mothers in the intervention group who adopted MMD for their children. (p<0.0001*). Gender differences in mean WAZ scores &HAZ were observed in both groups persistently throughout the study period & were statistically significant.

Conclusion: Program interventions need to understand the local practices &needs of mothers & tailor interventions and nutritional education to improve child feeding practices including hygienic practices with regular follow-ups, is vital to prevent the vicious cycle of malnutrition.


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How to Cite

Mallesh V, Patil SS. Effectiveness of Nutrition Education as Intervention on Complementary Feeding Practices & Growth of Children in Rural Area. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2024 May 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];15(05):379-88. Available from: https://njcmindia.com/index.php/file/article/view/3817



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