Chemoprophylaxis Status among Medical Practitioners Involved In the Care of COVID19 Suspects/Confirmed Cases in Karnataka


  • Apoorva E Patel AIMS&RC, Devanahalli, Bengaluru
  • Srividya J AIMS&RC, Devanahalli, Bengaluru
  • Sunil Kumar DR AIMS&RC, Devanahalli, Bengaluru



COVID-19, Chemoprophylaxis, Medical practitioners, adverse events


Background: In the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19 health care workers are at high risk of getting infected. The National task force for COVID-19 constituted by ICMR recommended the use of hydroxyl chloroquine as prophylaxis for healthcare workers. This study conducted to determine the status of chemoprophylaxis and protectiveness of chemoprophylaxis among medical practitioners in Karnataka, involved in the care of COVID19 suspects/confirmed cases.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out using a pretested online questionnaire among 236 Medical Practitioners (both government and private) involved in COVID- 19 care, across Karnataka, between June August 2020.

Results: Out of 236 Medical Practitioners, 118 responded and 100 Medical Practitioners responded completely, majority were males (69%), aged 31-50 years (58%), working at private health care setups (74%). Out of this, 46% took the chemoprophylaxis, 26% experienced side effects. 27 (59%)had Completed chemoprophylaxis. After completion Of Chemoprophylaxis, 16(89%) were tested negative, indicating good protectiveness and 2 (11%) tested positive. The difference in completion of chemoprophylaxis among government (15[79%)] and private doctors (12[44%)] was found to be statistically significant. Statistically significant association was also seen with age, gender, experience in years.

Conclusion: Chemoprophylaxis has good protectiveness. Majority did not take chemoprophylaxis for fear of adverse events.


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How to Cite

Patel AE, Srividya J, Kumar DR S. Chemoprophylaxis Status among Medical Practitioners Involved In the Care of COVID19 Suspects/Confirmed Cases in Karnataka. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];12(06):121-6. Available from:



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