Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding SARS CoV-19 Among Medical Students of a Medical College in Western India


  • Anjali Govind Patel Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education, Surat, India
  • V K Rokade GAIMS Medical College, G K General Hospital Campus, Bhuj, Kutch
  • Gaurav Sanjay Modi Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education, Surat, India



Coronavirus, COVID-19, knowledge, practice, attitude, medical students


Background: Medical students being the doctors of tomorrow play very important role in community health awareness, especially in emergency situation like Covid 19. This research was under taken to study the knowledge, attitude and practices of medical students regarding COVID 19 pandemic.

Material and method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in the month of May, 2021, among medical students. A 33-item web-based survey questionnaire was developed to assess knowledge, attitude and practice among the medical students.

Results: Total 342 valid responses were studied. Male to female ratio was 0.93 in the subjects. Common sources of information about COVID-19 were internet, social media and television. Most of the medical students were aware of the common modes of spread of infection. 80.7 % knew the correct incubation period. Only 35.1 percent of students thought that mild form of disease is most common. Nearly all knew that washing hands and wearing mask are important measures for prevention from COVID-19. Most of them feel that disease is dangerous (91.5%) and 43.3% are scared to do hospital work.

Conclusion: Present study focus on a decent level of existing knowledge, practice, and attitude of COVID-19 among medical students.


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How to Cite

Patel AG, Rokade VK, Modi GS. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding SARS CoV-19 Among Medical Students of a Medical College in Western India. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];12(07):199-203. Available from:



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