Key Dimensions of Refractive Errors Screening at School in Indonesia: A Primary Educator’s Perspective
Refractive error , Screening program, Primary school, Compliance, Primary school teacherAbstract
Introduction: The school-based refractive error screening program is important in preventing visual impairment caused by uncorrected refractive errors and enhancing students' academic performance. This study aimed to identify key dimensions for establishing an effective school-based refractive error screening program from the perspective of elementary teachers.
Methodology: The focus group discussion (FGD) using the qualitative-exploratory method among ten elementary teachers from one public school in Jakarta. The voice records of participants were transcribed verbatim, coded, and qualitatively analyzed to generate relevant dimensions. Several dimensions in the conceptual framework were concluded within the twelve categories.
Results: Four key dimensions to establish an effective school-based refractive error screening program were identified ranging from resources, screening procedure, education and awareness, and spectacles. These dimensions emphasized the significance of having trained teachers as screeners, understanding the comprehensive screening and referral process, offering incentives and user-friendly tools, and ensuring accessible and affordable spectacles to enhance students' compliance.
Conclusion: This study identified four dimensions for effective school-based refractive error screening programs, which are resources, screening procedures, education and awareness, and spectacles.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ray Wagiu Basrowi, Kianti Raisa Darusman, Yitro Wilar, Tri Rahayu, Yeni Dwi Lestari, Nila Djuwita Moeloek

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