Refractive Errors in School Going Children – Data from A School Screening Survey Programme


  • Harpal Singh People’s College of Medical Sciences and Research, Bhopal
  • V K Saini People’s College of Medical Sciences and Research, Bhopal
  • Akhilesh Yadav People’s College of Medical Sciences and Research, Bhopal
  • Bharti Soni People’s College of Medical Sciences and Research, Bhopal


Refractive error, amblyopia, myopia


Background: The prevalence of blindness in children ranges from approximately 0.3/1000 children in affluent regions to 1.5/1000 in the poorest communities. the importance of early detection and treatment of ocular diseases and visual impairment in young is obvious.

Aim and objective - The basic aim of this study was to assess the status of refractive errors in school going children through school screening program.

Method: the study was done on students aged 05 years to 15 years, selected randomly from rural and urban schools in and around the periphery of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.

Result: A total of 18,500 children were screened, Out of them 10730 were boys (58.00%) and rest 7770 (42.00%) were girls. Ocular morbidity (refractory errors) was found in 2422(13.09%) children out of which 1059 (5.72%) were boys and 1363(7.36%) were girls. Of these there were a total of 1,313 myopes ; 740 hypermetropes ; 277 with astigmatism and 92 amblyopic children.

Conclusion: school screening program is an effective way to detect the causes of visual impairment in school children.


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How to Cite

Singh H, Saini VK, Yadav A, Soni B. Refractive Errors in School Going Children – Data from A School Screening Survey Programme. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2013 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];4(01):137-40. Available from:



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