Primary Pterygium – Comparison of Limbal Conjunctival Autografting Surgery Versus Intra Operative Mitomycin - C (0.02%) After Excision of Primary Pterygium


  • Harpal Singh People’s College of Medical Sciences and Research, Bhopal
  • A S Thakur People’s College of Medical Sciences and Research, Bhopal
  • B L Sharma People’s College of Medical Sciences and Research, Bhopal


Pterygium, Recurrent Pterygium, Limbus, Autografting, Mitomycin-C (MMC), Limbal conjunctival autografting (LCAG), PDGF


Pterygium is a fibro vascular encroachment of the conjunctival tissue on the cornea causing variable degree of ocular morbidity. Varies surgical modalities have been developing to reduce the recurrence rate, which is the major limitation of Pterygium surgery. The idea of study is to compare the relative efficacy of two well-known procedure i.e., conjunctival autografting and intra operative Mitomycin-C (0.02%) with recurrence to recurrence and complication.


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How to Cite

Singh H, Thakur AS, Sharma BL. Primary Pterygium – Comparison of Limbal Conjunctival Autografting Surgery Versus Intra Operative Mitomycin - C (0.02%) After Excision of Primary Pterygium. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2011 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];2(03):331-4. Available from:



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