Study of Severe Nutritional Anaemia in Children 1-5 years of Age: Can We Do Better?
Severe anemia, morbidity, screeningAbstract
Introduction: Nutritional anemia in young children is one of the most prevalent health hazard in developing countries like India, despite of various policy initiated since long. Present study was done to know correlated factors, clinical presentations, type of severe nutritional anemia in children 1-5 years of age.
Methods: All admitted children between 1-5 years of age having severe nutritional anemia (Hb level <7 gm%)were enrolled in study. Detailed demographic profile, nutritional status, clinical presentation was recorded. Anemia were classified According to haematological & morphological profile, serum iron and B12 levels. Final outcome was observed.
Results: Total 160 patients were enrolled. we have observed that age<3 years, lower socio economic class and malnutrition were significantly associated with severe anemia (p value<0.001). Only 13.75% patients presented with sign and symptoms of anemia per se.136(88%) patients were diagnosed having IDA and rest were having B12 deficiency or mixed deficiency.
Conclusion: Severe anemia is a hidden threat in younger children and it needs to be screened and early intervened by strong implementation of different supplementation programme and we can do much better to decrease morbidity and mortality due to same.
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