Bibliometric Analysis of The Impact and Collaboration of The Worldwide Scientific Production of Social Network Addiction During the COVID -19 Pandemic


  • Maria Pia Sanchez-del Hierro Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Peru
  • Julio Cisneros-Burga Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Peru
  • John Barja-Ore Dirección de Investigación, Universidad Privada del Norte, Lima, Peru
  • Arnaldo Munive-Degregori Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru
  • Frank Mayta-Tovalino Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Peru



Bibliometric analysis, COVID-19, Social Network Addiction


Background: To analyze bibliometrically the impact, collaboration, and quantity of scientific production on addiction to social networks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: The publications provided by Scopus were taken to the virtual platform SciVal (Elsevier), then they were taken to the Microsoft Excel program and analyzed by indicators such as published journals, authors, countries, academic production, impact, quartile of the publication by means of tables.

Result: A total of 200 articles were obtained together with their corresponding metadata after the search, where the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. It was found that the largest number of 107 articles were published in the year 2021, and most of these were in the Q2 quartile (top 26%-50%). Being their majority published in China, United States and United Kingdom.

Conclusion: The scientific production related to the topic of addiction to social networks and COVID-19 is higher in the country of China, followed by United Kingdom. The highest number of scientific publications was in the year 2021.


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How to Cite

Sanchez-del Hierro MP, Cisneros-Burga J, Barja-Ore J, Munive-Degregori A, Mayta-Tovalino F. Bibliometric Analysis of The Impact and Collaboration of The Worldwide Scientific Production of Social Network Addiction During the COVID -19 Pandemic. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];14(12):800-6. Available from:



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