School Sanitation Facilities and Absenteeism from School during Menstruation in Adolescent Girl in Rural Area of Hapur


  • Pankaj Kumar G S Medical College, Pilkhuwa, Hapur



School Sanitation, Absenteeism, menstruation, adolescent, girls


Introduction: The menstrual related problems are one of the most common problems among adolescent girls and might have an adverse effect on their performance in academic and other activities of daily life which may lead to school absenteeism during menstrual days. School absenteeism due to menstrual problems has been reported previously among adolescent.

Methodology: This is a cross sectional study was conducted in rural field practice area of RHTC (Rural Heath Training Centre) under Department of Community Medicine of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Pilkhuwa, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh. The study population included all adolescent girls in age group of 10-19 year studying in senior secondary school, Pilkhuwa. A verbal consent of the adolescent girls was taken before administering the questionnaires and assured of confidentiality.

Result: In present study as many as 229 (41.86 %) out of 547 girls who attained menarche used to remain absent from school during menstruation. 191 (83.4 %) of girls normally absent for just one day. However, a considerable proportion 20 (8.72%) of girls absent for 2 days while 18(7.86 %) remain absent for three days.

Conclusion: There is a need to improve the conditions with respect to basic facilities at school to cut down the absenteeism.


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How to Cite

Kumar P. School Sanitation Facilities and Absenteeism from School during Menstruation in Adolescent Girl in Rural Area of Hapur. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];11(04):182-5. Available from:



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