Menstrual Patterns Among School Going Adolescent Girls in Chandigarh and Rural Areas Of Himachal Pradesh, North India


  • Dinesh Kumar Walia Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh
  • RJ Yadav National Institute of Medical Statistics (NIMS), ICMR, New Delhi
  • Arvind Pandey National Institute of Medical Statistics (NIMS), ICMR, New Delhi
  • Ravleen Kaur Bakshi Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh


Menstrual disorders, cross-sectional study


Background: Menstrual disorders are common among adolescent girls and they are lacking scientific knowledge regarding menstrua- tion and puberty making them more vulnerable. This study was con- ducted to determine patterns of menstrual cycles among young girls and menstrual problems.

Material and Methods: Cross–sectional survey was conducted among adolescent school going girls in four schools: two in Chandi- garh and two in Himachal Pradesh (Districts Mandi and Hamirpur) selected by stratified multi-stage random sampling design.. Only those respondents whose parents gave consent and they were also willing to take part in the study were included. Information was col- lected on socio-demographic characteristics and menstruation related information.

Results: About 80% girls who attained menarche had prior informa- tion regarding menstruation and among them 45(51.1%) reported mother as main source of information.. There were 77(69.3%) girls having problems/ complaints related with menstruation. Excessive flow during menstruation was reported by 17(15.3%) girls. There were 22 (19.8%) girls having reportedly irregular periods. Only 19(24.7%) girls reporting menstrual problems approached some- where for problems related with menstruation.

Conclusions: Present study concludes that menstrual problems are highly prevalent among girls in the studied population  and  they have lot of misconceptions regarding menstruation.


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How to Cite

Walia DK, Yadav R, Pandey A, Bakshi RK. Menstrual Patterns Among School Going Adolescent Girls in Chandigarh and Rural Areas Of Himachal Pradesh, North India. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];6(04):583-6. Available from:



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