Cross Sectional Study to Assess Rationale Behind Anti Koch Treatment in Severe Acute Malnourish Children in Ujjain Block Madhya Pradesh


  • Rashmi Bhujade Dept. of Community medicine, Index Medical College, Indore
  • Abhinav Sinha National Institute of Malaria Research, ICMR, Delhi
  • Taique Ibrahim Civil hospital, Siwan, Bihar


AKT, Tuberculosis, Acute Malnourished, Pediatric


Background: Tuberculosis (TB) and under-nutrition has got vicious cycle presence of one can increase the chance of having other. Both are common in under-five children. In spite of many efforts still TB and under-nutrition are most important cause of mortality and morbidity. To get rid from TB it is essential to diagnose and manage TB accurately.

Method: A cross sectional observation study was planned to estimate the prevalence of AKT prescription and rationale behind AKT prescription in 204 admitted SAM children in Ujjain block.

Result: Total 51% admitted SAM children were put on AKT among them only around 8% children were having the rationale for starting AKT .Chi square test was applied for data analysis.

Conclusion: Present study concludes that very few children were prescribed AKT rationally. Is Gap in the TB diagnosis and treatment in children especially in SAM children is resulting in over-prescription of AKT in SAM children. It may be contributing in AKT resistance which is the most deadly problem we are facing with many antibiotics including AKT.


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How to Cite

Bhujade R, Sinha A, Ibrahim T. Cross Sectional Study to Assess Rationale Behind Anti Koch Treatment in Severe Acute Malnourish Children in Ujjain Block Madhya Pradesh. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];11(01):37-40. Available from:



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