Assessment of the Socio-Demographic Profile and Treatment Outcome of Pediatric Tuberculosis Patients


  • Shital Dhoble Government Medical College, Chandrapur, Maharashtra
  • Charuhas Akre Government Medical College, Chandrapur, Maharashtra
  • Sanjay Kubde Government Medical College, Chandrapur, Maharashtra


Tuberculosis, Peadiatrics, pulmonary TB, treatment outcome, defaulter


Introduction: Childhood tuberculosis is a reflection of sputum-positive pulmonary tuberculosis and extent of transmission of tuberculosis in the community. Children are especially vulnerable to effects of tuberculosis and often difficult to diagnose and to treat effectively. The study was conducted to assess socio-demographic profile and nutritional status among paediatric TB patients; and to know type of tuberculosis and treatment outcome in paediatric population.

Methodology: A descriptive analysis was performed using secondary data obtained from register and treatment cards from Malvani Urban slum TU in Mumbai from January to December 2013. Data was analyzed and tabulated.

Results: Among 69 pediatric tuberculosis patients, 61% were female.61% patients were in age group 11-14 years. Majority of patients belonged to lower socio-economic status (99%). More than half (65%) patients were found to be malnourished. 52% had extra-pulmonary TB and 48% had Pulmonary TB with 29% patients had a history of TB contact. Among extra-pulmonary, 75% were found to have lymphadenopathy. 2 children were HIV positive. 90% of patients were treated with Category I regimen and 88% of the patients completed treatment.

Conclusion: Pediatric tuberculosis still continues to be a major problem in children who are undernourished and belonging to low socio-economic status.


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How to Cite

Dhoble S, Akre C, Kubde S. Assessment of the Socio-Demographic Profile and Treatment Outcome of Pediatric Tuberculosis Patients. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2017 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];8(06):338-42. Available from:



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