Awareness Regarding Swine Flu Amongst Patients Attending Swine Flu OPD In a Tertiary Care Center in South Gujarat


  • Deepak Shukla SMIMER, Surat
  • Sushil Patel SMIMER, Surat
  • Shaishav Panchal SMIMER, Surat
  • Naimesh Shah SMIMER, Surat
  • Srivani Sridharan SMIMER, Surat
  • Prakash Patel SMIMER, Surat


Swine flu, Awareness, Mode of spread


Swine flu is caused by novel Influenza A H1N1 virus that causes pandemic in the world within short period of time. Government of India had institute a series of preventive actions and efforts to improve the awareness of swine flu in general public. The aim of this study is to evaluate general awareness and attitude towards swine flu amongst the patients. This was a cross sectional study of 50 randomly selected patients who attended swine flu OPD in a tertiary center using pretested questionnaire.

Among participants 86% were male and 14% were females with more than 90% having education above primary schooling level. Major source of information for swine flu was news paper(34%) and TV(29%). 90% of patients came for the first time to a public hospital for swine flu testing. Most of the patients were aware of the mode of spread and its prevention methods. Almost half of participants believed that it’s a deadly disease and movement of the people from the affected area should be restricted. The fear of pandemic was not able to crush peoples’ spirit for leading a good life and most of patients were ready to help prevent its spread


CD alert. Special Issue: Human Swine Influenza: A Pandemic Threat. National Institute of Communicable Diseases 2009;12(8) /Introduction.pdf [Accessed on 1st Nov, 2010] SituationalUpdatesArchives/may/Situational%20Updates%20on%2016.05.2009.pdf [Accessed on 1st Nov, 2010]

Press release. Government Reviews Preparedness for Swine Flu. Ministry of Health and Family welfare. April 27, 2009 Categorisation%20of%20Influenza%20A%20H1N1%20cases%20screening.pdf [Accessed on 1st Nov, 2010]




How to Cite

Shukla D, Patel S, Panchal S, Shah N, Sridharan S, Patel P. Awareness Regarding Swine Flu Amongst Patients Attending Swine Flu OPD In a Tertiary Care Center in South Gujarat. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];1(02):103-5. Available from:



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