A Study on Prevalence of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections (ARI) In Under Five Children in Urban and Rural Communities of Ahmedabad District, Gujarat
Acute respiratory infections, under five children, overcrowding, illiteracyAbstract
Background: Acute respiratory tract infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developing and also developed countries. About 13 million under 5 children dies every year in the world, 95% of them in developing countries, one third of total deaths are due to ARI.
Objective: To find out prevalence of ARI in under 5 children living in urban and rural areas of Ahmedabad district
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was covering 500 under 5 children living in urban (five zone) and rural (five PHC of Sanand taluka) area of Ahmedabad district from September 2008 to March 2009.
Results: Prevalence of ARI was found to be 22%, it was higher in low social class (III, IV and V) (26.56%), Illiterate mothers (24.4%) and primary (23.9%) mothers, Overcrowded houses (28.5%).
Conclusion: Prevalence of ARI was lower in urban area (17.2%) as compare to rural area (26.8%) (Combine is 22%). In rural area, it is more because of lack of availability of basic health services, lack of awareness, and other associated factors like overcrowding, low socio-economic status, absence of cross ventilation, indoor air pollution are responsible factors.
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