Role Of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology to Analyze Various Causes of Lymphadenopathy


  • Mandakini M Patel Government Medical College, Surat
  • Sonal L Italiya Government Medical College, Surat
  • Rajnikant D Patel GMERS Medical College Valsad, Gujarat
  • Reena B Dudhat Government Medical College, Surat
  • Kumarbhargav R Kaptan Government Medical College, Surat
  • Varsha M Baldwa Government Medical College, Surat


Fine needle aspiration cytology, lymphadenopathy, Tuberculosis


Background: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a simple and reliable technique for study of various causes of lymphadenopathy.

Aims: To study cytomorphological patterns of FNAC of lymph nodes and its utility in establishing diagnosis of lymphadenopathy.

Methods: Total 580 cases of the lymph node FNAC were studied from May 2011 to April 2012 in Cytopathology department of Government Medical College, Surat.

Results: Maximum numbers of cases were in the age group of 21-30 years. The most common lesion encountered was tuberculous lymphadenitis (50.52%) followed by metastatic tumours (27.06%), reactive lymph node (14.66%), acute lymphadenitis (5%) and lymphoma (2.76%) respectively.

Conclusion: FNAC is safe, rapid and cost-effective method in establishing the diagnosis in large number of cases of lymphadenopathy.


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How to Cite

Patel MM, Italiya SL, Patel RD, Dudhat RB, Kaptan KR, Baldwa VM. Role Of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology to Analyze Various Causes of Lymphadenopathy. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2013 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 24];4(03):489-92. Available from:



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